A lot actually, it is true that the majority of hearing loss IS age related. So yes, age can have a significant something to do with it. Sound damage is the second leading cause of hearing loss. There are a lot of twenty-somethings running around out there that have mild hearing loss and are probably unaware. Those ubiquitous ‘ear buds’… If *I* can hear what you’re listening to? You are going to be joining me in the not too distant future as “proud” hearing aid owners. Sarcasm intended.
I was 19 when first told I would “benefit” from hearing aids. Given that I was still a teenager, my response was typical… “Meh! I’m 19 not 90! No way am I wearing hearing aids. I’m not old! Benefit from? Whatever! So not happening.” Granted, at the time, my loss was pretty mild. It wasn’t really affecting much. Fast forward 15 years, and while still relatively mild, it had gotten a little worse and was definitely affecting daily life, particularly at work. You know when people taking a stroll in your neighborhood know exactly which program you are watching on TV, because they can clearly hear it – from your mailbox with your windows closed – that perhaps a change is in order. God bless my husband for putting up with that for the first 18 months or so of our marriage.
When it became obvious to me that I was missing almost half of what was said at meetings, I knew it was time to revisit the idea that I would “benefit” from hearing aids. I realized that if I wanted to keep my job, I needed to set my issue with my age aside.
I will be honest and admit that after twelve years of wearing aids, that it is still sometimes disconcerting to be the youngest one in the waiting room – by at least 15 years…. But I recognize that we’re all there for the same thing. We want to be part of our lives, not sitting on the sidelines unable to engage because we don’t know what’s being said to us and around us.
If you are a person who needs aids and maybe struggling because you are ‘young’, can I say, “Just do it. Get ‘em.” It’s SO worth it. I can remember after I had had mine for a couple of months thinking, “Man! I should have done this a year ago!” I know my husband was happy with me NOT saying, “What?” or “sorry, didn’t catch that, repeat?” so often anymore. Me too.